[Salon] What is currently happening in the West Bank is absolutely scandalous

Gérard Araud, former French ambassador to Israel and to the U.S.: https://twitter.com/LCI/status/1724531868966519155/video/1 "What is currently happening in the West Bank is absolutely scandalous. What the settlers are doing amounts to retail ethnic cleansing. They are taking advantage of the current tragedy to harass the Palestinians, even more than they usually do, in order to get rid of certain communities, certain villages. And I find it absolutely scandalous that Europe is not speaking out very loudly. In reality, these settlers are doing this to make the two-state solution impossible. Because if Palestinians are expelled and colonization progresses, it will make a territorial compromise to create a viable and contiguous Palestinian state almost impossible. What is happening is extremely serious and I think European states should react with much more firmness and strength."

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